Let’s Talk About Burnout and How Leaders Can Help

No matter what industry they are in, companies will always face challenges and issues. These may be unwanted, but they are inevitable. This is why it is crucial for business leaders to have the foresight and invest time and energy into developing plans for how they can combat any problems that may arise. 

Problems concerning technicalities and operations are the typical difficulties companies discuss and prepare themselves with. But they might overlook an internal crisis among their employees – burnout. 

What is burnout?

Burnout refers to a syndrome conceptualised as resulting from chronic workplace stress that was not properly addressed and managed. It is considered emotional exhaustion and is characterised by three dimensions: energy depletion, increased mental distance from one’s job, or feelings of cynism relating to one’s occupation. 

How can leaders solve burnout?

While burnout is not listed as a mental illness, it is still a mental health issue that has to be addressed seriously. Because if burnout does not get adequately treated, it can affect one’s productivity and, eventually, impact workplaces. Solving these issues highlights the importance of leadership skills

 A good leader must be there to help their team members discover steps on how one can overcome this concern. That said, here are some tips on how you can help a team member experiencing burnout.

  • Acknowledge the situation

The first step you should take is to acknowledge the situation. Recognise the signs of burnout and never deny its existence. You have to know that even your best-performing employee can experience burnout. By facing the problem head-on, you can find better ways to solve it quickly. 

Early signs of burnout can be reduced efficiency and energy, lower levels of motivation, increased errors, fatigue, headaches, irritability, and increased frustration. If these are unattended, they can result in much more severe issues, such as dependency on substances like drugs or alcohol, sarcasm, negativity, and self-doubt. 

  • Consider workplace factors

Whether you admit it or not, one of the biggest factors why employees might be experiencing burnout is the workplace environment. It can be about the people they work with, their workload, or unhealthy competition for job roles. These are things that leaders must pay attention to. Neglecting or brushing these off can lead to your team being burnt out. 

As a leader, it is part of your duty to create an environment that will be pleasing not only for your superiors but also for your team members. And addressing these workplace issues is one way of building a comfortable environment for everyone.

  • Encourage the team to go on vacation from time to time

A famous saying goes, “all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy,” and this is true. Depriving your team of their well-deserved break is not only physically exhausting but also mentally and emotionally draining. You and your team must be relaxed and rejuvenated to contribute more ideas. Encouraging your team to go on a vacation and establish a good work and life balance can foster a more positive atmosphere that will benefit all of you in the long run.

Continuing professional development with Corporate Learning Solution

Developing your leadership skills can be advantageous to you, your employees, and your business not only for the present but, more importantly, for the future. Thus, if you want to learn more about how you can improve yourself, you might want to check out Corporate Learning Solutions. 

Here at Corporate Learning Solutions, we can help you to continue your professional development and provide you with the necessary knowledge through our leadership and management courses.

For more leadership tips, you can check Corporate Learning Solutions’ website at www.corplearn.com.au/blog.


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